Ep. 51/ How do you know if he is the one?


There's no crystal ball to reveal the future, but there are signposts that can guide you towards compatibility.

“Change is painful, but nothing is as painful as staying stuck somewhere you don’t belong.” ―Mandy Hale


If you've ever found yourself in the early stages of dating someone, unsure if they're the one, you're in for a treat. In this episode, we'll explore a burning question many of us have faced: How do you know if someone is the right fit for a long-lasting relationship?

Picture this – a serene morning stroll on the beach with a furry companion, and the chime of a message notification. It's from a friend who's been venturing into the world of dating after an abusive relationship. She's met someone special, but amidst the excitement, doubt lingers: "Is he the one?"

It's easy to get swept up in the whirlwind of emotions that accompany new connections. The initial burst of butterflies and euphoria can make it seem like this is "the one," but it's crucial to take a step back and assess the situation objectively.

Let's delve into a conversation about real connections, enduring love, and how to discern the difference.



The Rush of Emotions and the Reality Check

We've all been there – the early stages of infatuation where everything feels perfect, and you're already envisioning a future together. But remember, those high emotions aren't sustainable over the long haul. They usually peak around the two- to three-month mark before subsiding.

This period is where the real work begins. It's when true intimacy and connection are nurtured, and compatibility is put to the test. Sadly, some individuals who were only in it for the thrill might begin to pull away as the initial rush fades. So, how do you move forward?

Aligning for Long-Term Compatibility

Drawing wisdom from the renowned psychologist Jordan Peterson and his book "12 Rules for Life," relationships are, at their core, grand uncertainties. There's no foolproof formula for ensuring a lifelong partnership. However, Peterson suggests focusing on certain indicators that can significantly improve the odds of a lasting relationship.

  • Shared Activities with Substance

The foundation of a strong relationship lies in shared experiences. These experiences should be meaningful and productive. Rather than bonding over fleeting indulgences, invest time in hobbies, projects, or lifestyle choices that bring you both joy. This shared time is an opportunity to grow together while building a solid connection.

  • Common Lifestyle Goals

A shared vision of the future is crucial. Partners must be moving in the same direction, striving for common life goals. Divergent paths can lead to friction and discord, especially when fundamental aspirations clash. Ensuring your ambitions align is a cornerstone of lasting compatibility.

  • Harmony in Core Values

Perhaps the most pivotal aspect of a successful relationship is alignment in core values. These values reflect what truly matters to you, shaping your perceptions, decisions, and priorities. When your core values are in sync with your partner's, you're more likely to experience harmony and mutual understanding.

The Journey of Self-Discovery

The road to finding a lasting connection begins with self-awareness. You must have a clear understanding of your core values, aspirations, and passions. Armed with this self-knowledge, you can embark on the search for a partner whose path intersects with yours.

Remember, finding "the one" isn't about discovering a perfect match but rather uncovering someone who complements your journey. The connection is a dynamic interplay of shared experiences, mutual growth, and respect for each other's individuality.

Wrapping It Up

As you navigate the unpredictable terrain of love, keep in mind that relationships are an exploration, a journey into the unknown. Shared activities, common life goals, and harmonious core values lay the groundwork for enduring love.

So, the next time you're walking on the beach, pondering your own budding connection, remember the wisdom shared here. It's not about rushing to label someone as "the one." Instead, it's about fostering a connection built on substance, shared dreams, and values that resonate.

Thank you for tuning in to another insightful episode of the Tacos and Tattoos podcast. If this resonated with you, please consider leaving a review on your preferred podcast platform. Your support helps us reach more individuals on their journey to finding lasting love and connection.

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**This post is based on personal experiences and observations and should not substitute professional counseling or therapy. If you're facing significant emotional distress, consider seeking guidance from a licensed mental health professional.


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