Ep. 47/ My ex boyfriend in high school actually committed a hate crime…


Remember that the echoes of your past don't have to define your future.

“Learn from the mistakes of others. You can’t live long enough to make them all yourself.” ―Eleanor Roosevelt


As a teenager, I was no stranger to relationships with guys who exuded kindness, sincerity, and warmth. However, my lens was colored by the chaos and instability that defined my family environment. This external turmoil had insidiously shaped my perception of love and companionship, making it difficult to recognize and appreciate healthy relationships.



The Echoes of Dysfunction

In retrospect, I can't help but notice the irony. Many of the wonderful young men who crossed my path during those years, the ones who were caring, respectful, and genuine, were often overlooked or even mistreated. The familiarity of dysfunction led me to gravitate toward relationships with partners who echoed the turmoil I had witnessed at home.

The Comfort of the Familiar

It's a peculiar truth that humans often find comfort in the familiar, even when that familiarity is laced with pain. Teenagers growing up in dysfunctional families, regardless of their socioeconomic status, can inadvertently normalize unhealthy relationship dynamics. I can vouch for this phenomenon firsthand.

The "bad boy" archetype often appealed to me – those with rebellious streaks, tattoos, unconventional looks, and a hint of danger. It wasn't that I consciously sought out negative qualities; rather, I had become conditioned to gravitate toward what felt familiar. The chaos that had surrounded me became a distorted measure of "normal."

The Mistreatment of Kindness

The story of Matt, a nice, intelligent young man, stands out as a stark reminder of how my distorted lens impacted my choices. I recall dating Matt, a guy who was everything a parent would hope for in their child's partner. Tall, handsome, with a bright academic future ahead, he showered me with affection and consideration.

Yet, I found myself feeling uncomfortable with his genuine kindness. It was as if the unfamiliarity of a healthy relationship triggered an unconscious need to retreat to the chaos I was accustomed to. Regrettably, I let Matt go, citing his kindness as the reason for our breakup.

The echoes of past relationships, much like the guy named Dave with the Mohawk, reinforce how a turbulent childhood led me to associate love with turmoil. It's almost surreal to recount how I remained in relationships riddled with drama, despite deserving so much more.

The Long Road to Awareness

As I stand on the precipice of my 33rd year, this introspection has brought newfound clarity. I can now see the threads connecting my past choices to my upbringing. The realization that my teenage dating experiences were unwittingly shaped by a chaotic environment is simultaneously enlightening and humbling.

It's essential to acknowledge that my parents, like many, did their best with the tools they had. Yet, the unconscious patterns perpetuated in my formative years cast a shadow over the relationships I navigated in adulthood. Through a long and winding road of self-discovery, I've learned to rewrite the script, redefine love, and chart a new course.

A Compass for Transformation

This journey of introspection isn't about dwelling in regret but about understanding the underlying dynamics that influenced my choices. It's a revelation that extends far beyond the realm of my own life. Dysfunctional family backgrounds can impact how we perceive and navigate relationships, often leading us to perpetuate cycles of pain.

If you find yourself reflecting on your own past relationships, consider the roots from which your choices have grown. It's a journey that requires self-compassion and a commitment to breaking free from the chains of familiarity. Through awareness, healing, and conscious choices, we can redefine our paths and create relationships grounded in love, respect, and understanding.


As I reflect on the twists and turns of my teenage years, I'm filled with a mix of emotions – understanding, compassion, and a profound sense of growth. While I can't rewrite history, I can use my experiences to illuminate a path for others who may be treading a similar journey.

You possess the power to break free from the chains of familiarity and choose relationships that nurture your soul. Embrace the journey of self-discovery, and with each step, forge a new path illuminated by the light of your wisdom and resilience.

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**This post is based on personal experiences and observations and should not substitute professional counseling or therapy. If you're facing significant emotional distress, consider seeking guidance from a licensed mental health professional.


Ep. 48/ When it feels like nothing is happening, just keep going


Ep. 46/ surround yourself with the people you want become.