Ep. 46/ surround yourself with the people you want become. 


In a world bustling with distractions and challenges, finding beauty in the simple things might seem like a trivial endeavor.

“Be a first rate version of yourself, not a second rate version of someone else.” ―Judy Garland


Have you ever experienced the incredible impact that the people around you can have on your mindset and outlook on life? Recently, I came across a thought-provoking reel where the speaker discussed the profound influence that your social circle can have on your life trajectory. It's fascinating how the people we surround ourselves with can shape our attitudes, beliefs, and even our success.

In the realm of personal development and business, this concept is not new. We all understand that our environment plays a crucial role in our growth. It's akin to the old adage, "You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with." However, let's delve deeper into this notion and explore how this principle extends beyond mere companionship.



Chameleons of Influence

Imagine yourself as a chameleon, adapting to the colors and patterns of your surroundings. In many ways, we humans are similar. We absorb the energy, attitudes, and behaviors of those we interact with. If you're surrounded by a circle of positivity and enthusiasm, it's only natural that you'll begin to embody those traits yourself. Conversely, if you find yourself among negativity and pessimism, you might unconsciously adopt those qualities as well.

During my teenage years, I often described myself as a social chameleon. I noticed how I could seamlessly adjust my demeanor to connect with diverse groups of people. Little did I realize that this ability had deeper implications for personal growth and self-improvement.

The Beauty of Perspective Shift

While surrounding yourself with positivity is crucial, it's only part of the equation. The transformation you seek begins within you. Consider this: You may find yourself in a room full of successful, motivated entrepreneurs, yet if you don't perceive yourself as worthy of belonging there, you could inadvertently sabotage your own progress. Your mindset is the key.

As I reflected on my personal journey, I recognized the pivotal role that changing my perspective played in cultivating a positive mindset. During my college years, I was part of a sorority, and one particular motto from those days has remained etched in my memory: "To see beauty in the simple things in life." This notion struck a chord within me.

Embracing the Small Beauties

Appreciating the beauty in even the simplest things in life might sound like a cliché, but it holds profound wisdom. Every day, we encounter countless fleeting moments of beauty that often go unnoticed amidst the noise of our thoughts and worries. The delicate flutter of a butterfly, the vibrancy of a flower, the colors of a sunset – these moments are the building blocks of life's grand tapestry.

I vividly recall how, even before my sorority days, I had a penchant for spotting the beauty around me – a colorful butterfly, a blooming flower, a captivating landscape. This practice wasn't merely an idle pastime; it was a conscious choice to focus on the positive elements that life had to offer.

The Mindset Shift Hack

Making a habit of appreciating life's small beauties can be transformative. It's like a mental hack that rewires your brain to default to positivity. By training your mind to notice and celebrate even the tiniest marvels, you pave the way for a mindset shift. Eventually, this shift becomes second nature, and you find yourself immersed in a world of awe and wonder.

Remember, this isn't about denying reality or ignoring challenges. It's about training your brain to recognize and savor the good amid the chaos. Tony Robbins' philosophy of creating a beautiful state aligns with this practice. By embracing the beauty around you, you elevate your state of being and cultivate a positive outlook.

Choosing Your Perspective

Optimism is often misconstrued as delusion, but I'd argue that it's a conscious decision to focus on the positive. Given the choice, wouldn't you rather be the optimist in your happy bubble than the cynic who misses out on life's everyday wonders? The truth is, the world is full of both positive and negative aspects. The lens you choose to view it through defines your experience.

If you aspire to be among the ranks of driven, positive individuals, you must align your perspective with theirs. It's not merely about external appearances but about genuinely transforming your mindset. When you walk into a room of inspired entrepreneurs or meet people brimming with positivity, your internal transformation will be evident. They'll sense that you're on a journey of growth and positivity, and it's an energy that resonates.

The Invitation to Change

So, the next time you step out of your door, take a moment to pause and truly see the beauty around you. Whether it's the graceful flight of a butterfly, the intricate details of a flower, or the splendor of a sunset, let yourself be captivated by the simple marvels of life. This practice isn't restricted by gender or age; it's universal.

As you train your mind to appreciate life's small wonders, you'll notice a shift in your overall outlook. Those negative thought patterns will gradually give way to a more positive perspective. It's not an overnight change, but rather a journey of rewiring your brain for optimism.


It's this very endeavor that can lead to a more fulfilling and positive life. Embrace the chameleon-like nature of your mind, and consciously choose the company you keep. Simultaneously, nurture the habit of noticing and cherishing life's little miracles. By doing so, you're not just changing your surroundings – you're changing your entire world. So go ahead, step out, and let the beauty of life reshape your perspective. Your future self will thank you for it.

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**This post is based on personal experiences and observations and should not substitute professional counseling or therapy. If you're facing significant emotional distress, consider seeking guidance from a licensed mental health professional.


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