Ep. 54/ What stories are you lying to yourself about?


The stories we tell ourselves are not set in stone

”Women are meant to be loved, not to be understood.” – Oscar Wilde


Have you ever found yourself caught in the web of your own stories? I know I have. In fact, just yesterday, I had an enlightening encounter that illustrated the depth of this phenomenon. I attended a salsa dance class after a hiatus of several weeks. The teacher had been busy, and my own travels had kept me away, so this class was a long-awaited reunion. However, upon arrival, I learned that the teacher was absent and the class was more of an informal dance session.



As the music played, couples twirled to the rhythm of bachata, a dance I cherish. Yet, I found myself standing on the sidelines, not engaged in the dance I love. Tiredness crept in, and my mind concocted a story—that I was being excluded, that no one wanted to dance with me. This narrative started taking root in my mind, and I began feeling sorry for myself.

But here's the twist. Amid my mental drama, I realized that my perception was completely skewed. I had spun an intricate tale out of a simple circumstance. The truth was that I had danced nearly every song before this one, and exhaustion was the real reason I left. In reality, people weren't avoiding me; they were just caught up in their own moments.

This experience sparked a powerful realization: the stories we tell ourselves can significantly distort our perception of reality. It's easy to attribute meaning to situations that might be devoid of any significance. And just like that, we unwittingly create narratives that influence our emotions and shape our beliefs.

So, here's my invitation to you:

  • Reevaluate Your Stories: Take a step back when you find yourself constructing elaborate stories around simple events. Are these stories rooted in reality, or are they products of your imagination?

  • Challenge Your Assumptions: When things don't go as planned, question the assumptions you're making. Could there be alternative explanations that you're not considering?

  • Embrace the Unknown: Instead of jumping to conclusions, allow space for the unknown. Sometimes, not getting what you want is a blessing in disguise, leading you to unexpected opportunities and experiences.

By honing our awareness of these narratives, we can consciously choose to reshape them and reclaim agency over our perceptions.

As I reflect on this lesson, I'm reminded of how our stories can be both our prison and our liberation. Let's commit to embracing the unknown, challenging our assumptions, and crafting narratives that empower us. The next time you find yourself weaving stories, pause, and ask: Is this story serving me? Does it align with the reality of the situation?

Thank you for joining me in this insightful exploration. Life is a tapestry of experiences, and by choosing our stories wisely, we can paint a vibrant masterpiece that reflects our true essence.

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**This post is based on personal experiences and observations and should not substitute professional counseling or therapy. If you're facing significant emotional distress, consider seeking guidance from a licensed mental health professional.


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