Ep. 43/ Is sexting someone else cheating?


Relationships should ideally be spaces where both partners can openly express their needs, desires, and boundaries.

“What is life without a little risk?” ―J.K. Rowling


Imagine this: you're reading this situation as if you were in a conversation with the person seeking advice. It's a mix of frustration, confusion, and a dash of humor, right? If you're anything like me, you'd be tempted to jump in with your thoughts on the matter. After all, relationships are a complex web of emotions and choices, and offering insights can sometimes be illuminating.



First things first—why isn't he sexting you if that's what he's into? That's the initial eyebrow-raising question that pops up. It's natural to wonder why your partner would seek that thrill elsewhere if you're right there, willing and able to engage. If this is something he's really into, wouldn't it make sense to find a way to explore it together? Is there a way to simulate the excitement he's getting elsewhere? Is it about the novelty or the connection?

As you peruse the comments, you notice one that resonates: "Yes, he made a mistake, but that doesn't mean I should throw in the towel. This man saved me from an abusive relationship. He's put up with the nightmares of my past…" It's a heartfelt perspective—one that reminds us of the unique dynamics that each relationship carries. But it also raises a critical question: How much does the past entitle him to mess up the present?

The crux of the matter boils down to trust. Can he be trusted to stop this behavior, especially after promising to change? Can you trust that this isn't a prelude to something more serious, like meeting up in person? The trust issues aren't limited to just his actions—what else might he be hiding? These uncertainties can strain a relationship and erode the foundation you've built.

This dilemma leads us into uncharted territories—emotional cheating. While some may argue that it's "just" sexting and not physical, it still involves sharing intimate thoughts and emotions with someone outside the relationship. This can blur the lines and challenge the emotional commitment you've made to each other.

This brings us to an intriguing point. Are we settling in relationships that don't truly fulfill us? Some suggest that many people seek solace in extramarital experiences because they didn't wait for the right person to come along in the first place. Perhaps it's a wake-up call to reassess whether we're truly aligned with our partners.

So, what's your take on sexting—cheating or not? Head over to our Spotify poll to share your thoughts! As we wrap up this episode, remember that every relationship journey is unique. We learn and grow with each experience, and the path forward isn't always clear-cut. Until next time, dear listeners—keep pondering, keep growing, and keep seeking the answers that resonate with your heart.

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**This post is based on personal experiences and observations and should not substitute professional counseling or therapy. If you're facing significant emotional distress, consider seeking guidance from a licensed mental health professional.


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